Interactive systems by touchsmart
At touchsmart, we are fully specialized in interactive systems and in particular, in touch screen panels. We use every available interactive technology like infra-red, acoustic, capacitive and optical technology. All of our products, touchscreen panels and through glass films have been tested in exhaustive performance and reliability tests while we also offer a guarantee and after sales service.
The utility of touchscreen panels and of through glass films is excellent and it gives you the opportunity to turn every screen or surface to touch screen or touch surface (interactive)!

An interactive vitrine is an invaluable tool in the hands of every businessman. It improves the image of the enterprise, it modernizes it while at the same time, it informs the passer-bies better and more about the offered products, services, discounts etc. The interactive vitrine uses a new touch technology, a transparent film which is placed inside your vitrine glass (through glass) and in front of an image device (television, monitor). In this way, you fully avoid incidents of vandalism, theft etc.
You can promote the e-shop of your business or use it as Digital Signage, thus, benefiting from the privilege of interactiveness. Moreover, you can combine it with interactive games, thus, approaching both children and parents. In any way, the interactive vitrine will impress all of your clients and increase your income.
A touch screen panel is actually an input device which substitutes the mouse and turns your screen to a touch screen. It is placed exactly in front of an image device and it has to have exactly the same size as it. Touch screen panels use several technologies, like the infra-red, optical, acoustic, resistance and capacious technology. They can be applied for indoor or outdoor use.
At touchsmart, we mainly use infra-red technology because of its excellent performance, reliability and the technical support offered after the purchase.